Mx. Louis Manziano, Supervisor
Mrs. Kerry Blaze
Mr. Steve Cichetti
Mr. Michael Clarke
Mrs. Laura Connolly
Mr. Christopher Giddes
Mr. Evan Robbins
Mr. William Schlavis
Ms. Lynda Wisniewski
The vitality of a democracy depends upon the education and participation of its citizens. Social Studies education is instrumental in achieving this goal. Through a strong social studies program, students will be able to “make informed and reason choices for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
  NCSS, 1994
Social Studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.
  NCSS, 1994
In Metuchen, the social studies curriculum is integrated into three strands aligned with the New Jersey Core Content Standards:
US History: America in the World;
World History/Global Studies; and
Active Citizenship in the 21 st Century.
Within each strand, the students study multiple facets, which include:
Civics, Government, & Human Rights;
Geography, People, & the Environment;
Economics, Innovation, & Technology; and,
History, Cultures, & Perspectives.
The curriculum embraces an interdisciplinary approach that acknowledges the humanities as a fundamental component of a holistic social studies education. It builds concentrically in both content and complexity and provides a foundation upon which students can thoughtfully engage with the diversity and commonality of the human experience.